
George W. Bush authorized "Enhanced interrogation techniques" that include waterboarding among other terrible things. It's been a while since my last job interview for a software engineer. I found that the torture of the white board coding or "whiteboarding" is alive and well. I think the technique was "authorized" when there was a limited access… Continue reading Whiteboarding

Indiscriminate private bookmarking

This is the way to I do it. I use Unforget. If I encounter something remotely interesting, I just bookmark it with Unforget. I don't care about my bookmark clutter. Later, it will generate a newsletter email with some of the stuff I marked, and I have fun reviewing it if I want to.  

Convert dynamic HTML pages to formatted plain text

Suppose you want to extract plain text from dynamic web pages for example for indexing or whatever... Obviously, you cannot just parse the html and extract the text nodes. Most of the content out there is dynamic. It comes from internal AJAX calls, and gets processed by JavaScript that is executed by the browser. It… Continue reading Convert dynamic HTML pages to formatted plain text